Police Accountability Board Complaint Form
- To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, please review your complaint form prior to clicking the “SUBMIT” button.
- You will receive a confirmation and a case number after your complaint form has been submitted.
- The PAB will forward your complaint to the appropriate law enforcement agency within 3 days of submission.
- You will receive follow-up from the law enforcement agency conducting the investigation.
- The law enforcement agency will designate a victims’ rights advocate to act as a point of contact for your complaint. This advocate
will: 1) explain to the complainant the complaint process; 2) notify the complainant of the status of the case at every stage of the
process; and 3) provide a case summary to the complaint within thirty (30) days after final disposition of the case.
- For questions or information, you may contact the PAB at: 301-883-5042 or pgpab@co.pg.md.us.